Entries by Kendra Renee

I love fan mail!

I got a really sweet note from one of my awesome customers recently. It made my day, so I thought I’d share: “Hi Kendra! I got the jewelry today. (that was fast!) And, wore it today to a graduation celebration. The necklace is perfect! I love the drop necklace I already have (as I said-I […]

Just in case you haven’t seen them yet…

Just thought I’d post pictures of the new jewels available in my etsy store– you may have seen them in my most recent newsletter or Facebook Fan Page updates. What’s that? You’re not subscribed to my newsletter?  Goodness gracious! –Sign up here. As you can probably tell, I’ve been digging the keshi pearls lately.  I […]

New Partnership: Presh Designer Collective

Yesterday I took a trip up to San Anselmo to deliver my collection of jewelry to a beautiful new retail location- Presh Designer Collective. Presh is nestled in one of the cutest shopping districts I have ever seen- it shares the street with adorable restaurants, boutiques, and spas.  The store is the main retail location […]

A Special Gift

My friend Eric called me about a month ago and said, “Kendra, I need you to make me a tiara for my sister.”  I said, “Excuse me, a what?”  I have never made a tiara before- in fact, I’ve never even made anything close.  I was nervous at first, but the more he told me, […]

My first venture into advertising

This week I took the plunge into my first paid advertising venture.  In the past, I have solely relied on word of mouth to advertise my work, and while that is still the most important way for me to find new customers, I decided it was time to try to reach out to a new […]