Entries by Kendra Renee

Announcing New Retail Locations, Near and Far

This spring I have been very busy putting together collections of jewelry for several new galleries both locally and out of state.  I am proud to have such wonderful retailers representing my work, and I am excited to share my new locations with you.  If you’re nearby, go in and say hello for me please!

Vermonters Rejoice!

In case you didn’t know, I’m a Vermont girl at heart.  I’ve been looking for a location to sell my jewelry in my home state for a long time.  Finally, I am thrilled to announce that my work will be featured in Sweet Lady Jane in Burlington!

New Retail Location: Pearl on Irving

If you’re like me and you 1. Live in San Francisco and 2. are OBSESSED with handmade jewelry you probably already know about  Pearl.  But just in case you somehow haven’t heard of this amazing new gallery, let me fill you in.